Purchase Off-Market / Distressed Homes & Money to Renovate
Service Description
Resources to fund the renovation of a distressed primary residence. Learn how to project the cost of your project for total control. Learn how to select a reputable contractor to do the work. Learn how to ensure you have an enforceable contract designed for your benefit as a homeowner. Site visit. Using social media to build your team of contractors. What is the maximum payments for deposits, while work is being done and when to make the final payment? How to request proof of insurance from the contractors. Elbow grease... how to schedule work you need to do first. What is the maximum payments for deposits, while work is being done and when to make the final payment? How to request proof of insurance from the contractors. Elbow grease... how to schedule work you need to do first. What to do yourself?

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
+ 724-298-8508
Riverside Center for Innovation 700 River Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, USA